AERA presentations, 2013:
Members of the project presented at the AERA annual meeting in the spring of 2013 on topics related to the teaching and learning of argumentative writing. See the PowerPoint for more details: AERA 2013 symposium Powerpoint
NCTE Teacher Presentation, 2012:
Two teachers presented with the project at the annual National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) in the fall of 2012 in Las Vegas. Kris Crombie-Stotik, from Columbus City Schools, and Lizabeth McSkimin, from Hamilton Township High School, used these PowerPoints during their presentation: NCTE Liz PPT final, Crombie Stotik NCTE_Presentation
Presented in April 2012:
American Educational Research Association’s annual meeting. (2012, April). What Matters Most in the Teaching and Learning of Argumentative Writing in High School English Language Arts Classrooms.
American Educational Research Association’s annual meeting. (2012, April). Unpacking the Teaching and Learning of Argumentative Writing in an Urban High School English Classroom.
Presented in February 2012:
Wynhoff Olsen, A. (2012, February). The Language of Teaching and Learning Argumentative Writing in Classrooms. National Council for the Teachers of English Assembly for Research (NCTEAR) conference, Tuscaloosa, AL.
Presented in November 2011:
Bloome, D. (co-chair), Newell, G. E. (co-chair), Smith, J., VanDerHeide, J. & Wynhoff Olsen, A. (2011, November). What Counts as Argumentative Writing? Constructing Definitions of Argumentative Writing in the High School English Language Arts Classroom. National Council for the Teachers of English (NCTE) conference, Chicago, IL.